The First Step

After getting the copy of an old Internship Agreement form of StarBaby Enterprises from Professor Nicolaou, I went ahead and called the number on the sheet. A nice lady answered and I wanted to confirm who I was speaking to. The person on the other line introduced herself as Jordan Elizabeth Gelber of StarBaby Enterprises. I also introduced myself and then relayed to her the way in which I came to acquire her number, and told her that I was interested in being an intern for her company in order to get credit for my internship course. She was very encouraging and told me to give her my email so she can send me an introductory email and then I can reply to her with my resume and a little information about myself along with some works I’ve done in order to get better acquainted.

I sent her everything she needed and after reviewing it she decided she had a spot for someone like me. After that came the Skype interview in order to set schedules and works for me to do and get my internship experience under way!

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