Monthly Archives: September 2014

Assignment 7

Simply develop your Revit model to complete all previous assignments and create a phasing system for your project. You should have at least two phases one “structural” and another “new construction”. Use the structural phase to be able to show your structural skeleton. Remember to set your view to the phase you want your object or assembly to be posted on. You can always change the phase of an object but it much easier to draw on the loop on the phase you are utilizing.

Here’s another video on beams and rafters and sizing.

I hope leave videos are helpful I look forward to seeing you in class.

Assignment 6

Transfer your studio project plans on to your Revit model. Use your massing model to indicate the exterior walls. You should focus on transferring the interior plan layouts to your project. Include the location of stairs and elevators by utilizing the “shaft” tool in the architectural opening ribbon. This is a rough draft assignments that is due on Friday 9/18.

Assignment 5

This assignment consists of two parts:

  1. Structural grid
  2. G team file structure

Structural grid PDF

Create a structural grid for your project. The structural grid should match the rule of thumb as posted on the structural PowerPoint or is given in “The Architect’s Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design” create a sketch of the section of your structure showing the thicknesses of the beam and slab and the spacing between column lines.  Structural good grid should be dimensioned and placed on a sheet with title block and posted as a PDF.

Sizing Reference

Section Sketch


G team file structure

Now that we have GTeam up and running all submissions should be posted to the submission file. Submissions are specific deliverables an example beingas the PDF of your building structural grid.

You should keep the latest version of your own model on the G team so that it easy for your teammates to collaborate together.  Keeping your files up to date is part of this assignment and good practice.

The structure of your file system should be as follows:

Project Root


o   Project Assignments

  • 01Zoning Massing (on blackboard)
  • 02Design Massing (on blackboard)
  • 03Site Plan (on blackboard)
  • 04 FAR
  • 05 Structural Grid
  • etc.

o   Sketches

  • Sk1
  • Sk2
  • Sk3
  • Sk4

o   Research Projects

  • concrete structural systems
  • façade systems draft
  • façade systems final

o   Submissions

  • S1 (structural skeleton)
  • S2 (Midterm progress set)
  • S3 (Progress redline set)
  • S4 (Final drawing set)

o   Revit Files Working

  • Team model [project files]
  • Team families [loaded families]

o   Individual Files

  • Name 1 [last name, first name]
  • Name 2

Assignment 5 (structural grid PDF)
for example should be posted to the submission folder is under
SUBMISSIONS: > Project Assignments > 05 Structural Grid

Assignment 1 – 3, & 4

All assignments must be submitted as PDF prints from a Revit sheet with your team’s logo on it sheets should be sized 22” x 34” (tabloid size would equal half five prints)

Each team member must submit one of the following drawings on G team under > submittals under >02assignment .

  • Site plan
  • Zoning sheets using Zoning mass
  • Building mass (1 mass file for each member) assembled inside the zoning massing model


04 FAR 

Develop your massing models so that the your floor area of your project equals or is just under your maximum allowable area as indicated by your zoning drawing and the sites FAR. This diagram should be added as a zoning sheets and include a Revit schedule of zoning mass floors.

Zoning Massing

Each team assigned to research the zoning requirements for the project site and collect all the required text and diagrams. Once all the zoning information is compiled a zoning model will be developed which will illustrate setback heights and depths, easements (if any), sky exposure planes. The result will be a parametric conceptual mass that respects these parameters. It is advised that the origin for your massing coincides with the origin for the site plan.


Design Massing

Each team member will develop their design massing. This massing must fit within the confines of the zoning envelope, respecting property lines and neighboring buildings. Each team must coordinate with their teammates to fit each massing on the site and start to consider how the three massing’s will work with one another. It is advised that the origin for your massing coincides with the origin for the site plan.


Site Plan

Each team is to develop a detailed site plan for their site. The site in question is 285 Jay Street, Brooklyn NY. The site plan should take into consideration:

  •  Traffic flow
  •   Curb cuts
  •   Landscaping (hard-scape / soft-scape)
  •   Public right of way
  •   Neighboring buildings
  •   North direction
  •   Other existing conditions
  •   Project origin