B06 Stud Plans

Develop Stud plan details based on your groups wall assembly components. Complete one thorough plan of this type. You may complete additional stud plans for extra credit.

align your studs at the exterior face of your 8 inch concrete foundation wall
start with one layout point for your 24″ [or 16”] oc (on center)
at windows indicate your studs are cripples by hatching them and using a light line weight
utilize your ground-floor as a base drawing (or above)

Lecture notes: https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/bt2-2024f/files/2022/03/Stud22s.pdf

submit BOTH the pdf and the dwg files.
boards, 34×22 in PDF format (three boards minimum)
DWG files and xrefs (etransmit)
combine the individual pdf pages into 1 file.

Name files using the following naming convention:
All digital files must be submitted in the following format:
Course number semester/year_Professor initials _Project Name_ Student Name (file number)
For example: ARCH2331_ SP24_AA_A01Logo_BFuller (01)
files not conforming to department standards may be graded.


Line placement example (in the metric):

  • group 1 wall assembly is 450 mm thick, extend the wall to match 450 mm
  • locate exterior edge of stud distance from exterior finish (88 mm in this example)
  • that would be the line of your concrete slab edge or foundation wall
  • the Interior edge will be at 200 mm

  • align your studs at the exterior face of your 200mm concrete foundation wall
  • start with one layout point for your 600 mm oc (on center)
  • at windows indicate your studs are cripples by hatching them and using a light dashed line.
  • utilize your ground-floor as a base drawing (consider XREF thing your plan into your stud plan)