Final Project

Final project and presentation

On the last day of class you will present a final project. This is a three part assignment that you will do with a group.

Part one

Meet with the members of your group at least three times (one time will be in class) and fill out the meeting worksheet (a copy of the worksheet is found on blackboard). Each group member will be graded on their own work for this section. This composes 75 percent of the total grade.

In your group meetings you will chose your topic and assign reading from the textbook to conduct research. Remember that this is a creative project and you want to present your topic in a way that is fun and innovative.  Use the talents that showcase your strengths.

some previous examples: skits, maps made out of candy, a puppet show and a fashion show.

Part two

Present your topic. Each group member must participate on the date of the final presentation. This composes 15 percent of your grade and each group member will be graded individually.

Part three

Write a final one page ( 3 paragraph) write up discussing what you learned and how your group worked together. What your challenges and what were your successes.

Rubric for final project

4. Distinguished 3. Proficient 2. Apprentice 1. Novice
Teamwork-Task Assignment:
Who will do what
Identified and made complete list of tasks that needed to be done. Used the list to divide work fairly. Evaluated tasks and assigned them to appropriate team members. Identified and made list of tasks that needed to be done. Assigned work that was too easy or too hard for one or more team members. Did not identify some of the tasks that needed to be done. Did not assign work fairly between team members. Did not identify many tasks that needed to be done. Did not assign work fairly between team members.
Evaluated work completed and progress toward goals
Constantly monitored progress. Changed project scope or task assignments to meet goals and deadlines. Made sure every member completed work assigned. Reviewed each member’s work for accuracy. Made several attempts to evaluate progress. Changed project scope or task assignments to meet goals and deadlines. Reviewed each member’s work for accuracy and completeness. Made one attempt to evaluate progress toward goals or deadlines. Reviewed each team member’s work for accuracy and completeness. Did not keep track of progress toward goals or deadlines. Did not review work for accuracy or completeness.
Ideas and assistance
Actively participated in all group discussions and activities. Shared ideas freely. Located additional information or resources. Shared ideas in every group discussion. Attempted to locate additional resources or materials. Participated in most group discussions. Shared a few ideas. Did not participate in most group discussions. Rarely shared ideas.
Clear, logical sequence
All ideas were presented in a logical order. Introduction was clear, body included many details, and conclusion summarized main idea. Writing flowed smoothly throughout. Ideas were presented in a logical order. Introduction was clear, body included many details, and conclusion summarized main idea. Some ideas were presented in logical order. Introduction, body, and conclusion were included. Writing was fragmented. Ideas were not presented in logical order. Introduction, body, and conclusion were not clear.