The following match the search term "":
Name Directory
This plugin allows you to create a directory of terms or names to add to your site. It would work well for a glossary or index. 1. To get started, activate the Name Directory plugin. 2. In your site Dashboard, choose Name Directory in the left-hand menu. This is the main Name Directory management page, where […]
Reading Time WP
This plugin adds an estimated reading time to your WordPress posts and pages. It pairs well with another plugin called WP Reading Progress, which adds a bar at the top of your site that shows someone’s progress as they read through the text of a post or page. 1. Activate the Reading Time WP plugin. This […]
WP Reading Progress
WP Reading Progress adds a color bar that will move from left to right across the top of your site as the reader advances through the text on a post or page, giving them an idea of how much they have progressed and how much more there is to read. It pairs well with another […]
Broken Links Checker
The Broken Links Checker plugin monitors your website, periodically checking if links are working properly. 1. Activate the Broken Links Checker plugin. 2. In your site’s Dashboard, click Broken Links on the left-side menu. Once the plugin is activated, it starts checking the links automatically. After a few minutes, it will show the number of broken […]
OpenLab Private Comments Plugin
This plugin allows logged-in members of the OpenLab to post private comments on your site. People who are not logged into the OpenLab will still be able to leave regular comments, as permitted in Settings > Discussion. The plugin was created for student portfolio sites, to allow faculty to leave private comments, but it can […]
Activity in a Course, Project, or Club
The Activity section of a Course, Project, or Club Profile allows you to see all the activities for that group in one place, including Posts, Comments, Docs, Files, Announcements, Group Membership changes, Discussion Topics and Replies. 1. Log into your OpenLab account, go to the Course, Project, or Club Profile and click Activity in the […]
This plugin allows you to automatically translate your site into other languages using Google Translate. This won’t provide a perfectly accurate translation, but will make it understandable in the translated language. 1. Activate the GTranslate plugin. 2. Go to your site Dashboard. In the left sidebar go to Settings > GTranslate. 3. The most […]
Making Documents Accessible
PDF and Word Documents It is important that documents, such as PDF and Microsoft Word files, that you upload to the OpenLab, are accessible. These include documents on a Site, or in the File Library section of a Course, Project, or Club Profile. CUNY’s guide to creating accessible PDF and Microsoft Office documents provides detailed instructions for how to do this, but […]
Making a Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio Not Active
This feature allows admins of a Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio to switch it to ‘Not Active’ status if it’s no longer being actively used. This status change means that new members are not able to join or request membership, unless invited by an admin. A notice will be added to the Profile that it’s […]
WeBWorK Problem Embed plugin
This plugin allows you to embed problems from WeBWorK in a post or page on your OpenLab Site. 1. Activate WeBWorK Problem Embed in Dashboard > Plugins. 2. Find the Problem ID for the problem you want to embed. You can find this in the URL for the problem from the WeBWorK Open Problem Library, […]