Search Help

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  • Making a Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio Not Active

    This feature allows admins of a Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio to switch it to ‘Not Active’ status if it’s no longer being actively used. This status change means that new members are not able to join or request membership, unless invited by an admin.  A notice will be added to the Profile that it’s […]

  • WeBWorK Problem Embed plugin

    This plugin allows you to embed problems from WeBWorK in a post or page on your OpenLab Site. 1. Activate WeBWorK Problem Embed in Dashboard > Plugins. 2. Find the Problem ID for the problem you want to embed. You can find this in the URL for the problem from the WeBWorK Open Problem Library, […]

  • OpenLab Activity Block and Widget

    Adding an activity block to a page or post The OpenLab Activity Block plugin, adds a block and widget that pull activity from the ‘Activity’ section of a Course, Project, or Club Profile. It includes all activity and can be filtered by type (posts, comments, discussion, files, docs, etc).  1. Activate the OpenLab Activity Block plugin […]

  • Reckoning Plugin

    The Reckoning plugin allows site admins to view all student posts and comments in one place. It also incorporates grades from the WP Grade Comments plugin, and allows you to export all data to CSV. 1. Activate Reckoning in Dashboard > Plugins. 2. Go to Dashboard > Users > User Summary. Here you’ll find a list and tally of […]

  • Site Templates

    When you create a new Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio, the site created uses a template that is appropriate for each type of site. For example, new Course sites come with pre-created pages for Syllabus, Assignments, etc. We also have templates for different types of Course, Project, Club, or Portfolio Sites. You can choose the […]

  • OpenLab Connections

    OpenLab Connections allows you to link related Courses, Projects, or Clubs and share selected information between them. For instance, members of one course section can follow activity from a connected section without needing to become members of that section (private content will not be shared). When connecting, each group can decide exactly which categories will […]

  • Using Editoria11y to Check Accessibility

    Like a spell check for accessibility, the Editoria11y Accessibility Checker plugin checks your site, and displays any existing issues with a thorough description of what they are and how you can address them. To get started: Activate Editoria11y Accessibility Checker in Dashboard > Plugins. Once activated, the plugin will automatically perform accessibility checks. The results will appear for […]

  • Embedding a Padlet

    1. To embed a Padlet, add a shortcode block, and using the following format for the shortcode: [padlet key=”XXX” height=”XXX”] 2. Height is optional, but you can use it to control the size of the embed. The number will be in pixels, for example: height=”800″. 3. To find the key, you’ll need to visit the URL […]

  • Adding columns to display content

    You can use columns to organize your content in a post or page. Adding the columns 1. In your post or page editor, add a new block and type “Columns” in the search bar. Choose the Column option once it shows up. 2. Select the desired number of columns and their layout. This can also be skipped […]

  • Adding a button

    The button block adds a button with custom text and a link, for example, to another post or page or to download a file. Adding the Button 1. In your post or page editor, add a new block and type “Buttons” in the search bar. Choose the Buttons option once it appears. 2. The Button will be […]