Broken Links Checker
The Broken Links Checker plugin monitors your website, periodically checking if links are working properly.
1. Activate the Broken Links Checker plugin.
2. In your site’s Dashboard, click Broken Links on the left-side menu. Once the plugin is activated, it starts checking the links automatically. After a few minutes, it will show the number of broken links on the Status field. Click Found X broken links

3. Above the flagged links there are options to filter by All, Broken, Warnings, Redirects, and Dismissed.

4. If you hover your mouse on one of the flagged links the following options will appear:
- Edit URL: Edit this link.
- Unlink: Remove this link from all posts.
- Not broken: Remove this link from the list of broken links and mark it as valid.
- Dismiss: Hide this link and do not report it again unless its status change.
- Recheck: Check the link again.

5. You can also apply the options above in bulk. Check all desired links, click Bulk Actions, select an option and click Apply.