Distance Education


You can provide students with grades and comments using two tools for grading on your Course Site, WP Grade Comments and OpenLab Gradebook. You can add these plugins to your site by going to your site Dashboard and clicking Plugins > Installed Plugins in the left-hand menu, following these instructions.

If you are using the Course Profile without a Course Site, you might consider communicating grades providing a link to Blackboard or another secure system on your Course Profile using the Related Link List Settings.

Things to remember:

  • FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) protects student record privacy, which includes student grades. It would be a violation of FERPA to grade student work publicly. While faculty can give students public feedback in the form of comments on their work, actual grades must be given privately.
  • Faculty should respect students’ preferences and use their display name in public comments if they have chosen to use a pseudonym on the OpenLab.
  • As you would in any course, online or offline, we recommend making grading criteria and feedback easy to understand and clearly available on your OpenLab Course.

WP Grade Comments

  • Allows faculty to privately grade posts written by students, while also leaving feedback in the form of a comment.
    Comments can be private or public, depending on your needs and goals.
  • A private comment might be best when the feedback will only directly benefit the student whose work is being evaluated.
  • A public comment can be a great way to give general feedback that all students will benefit from seeing.
  • See Help for more information.

OpenLab Gradebook

  • Allows faculty to securely keep track of and grade assignments for a course, including mid-semester and final grades.
  • Faculty can also add comments related to each grade.
  • Students can securely and privately view their grades and faculty comments directly from the OpenLab course site.
  • See Help for more information.

For more information:

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