Export your Account Data
You can download your personal data from OpenLab in a single export file. Note that this will only download text data. Images and videos will have to be downloaded manually, clicking on their links. The following items will be included, if applicable:
- Profile and user information
- Activity data, including comments, discussion forum posts, docs, and links to files and other media
- Friend information
- Group membership information
- Messages
- Notifications
- Account settings
- Site posts
Before exporting
If you want to export a site with all its contents for another site within City Tech’s OpenLab, another site where the plugin is also activated (like the OpenLab at BMCC) you should use the Openlab Export-Import plugin.
If you want to export a single site to another WordPress site that doesn’t have the OpenLab Export-Import plugin installed, you can use the regular WordPress export functionality found in Dashboard > Tools > Export.
Exporting your personal data
1. Go to My OpenLab > My Settings.

2. In the settings menu, click Data Export.

3. Click Download Data on the bottom of the page.

4. Wait a bit for the processing to be done.

5. Once the process is done, click Download Data again.

6. This will download the data to your computer. For privacy and security reasons, the link will only be available for other downloads for a few days. After that, you will need to redo the process.
The data will be downloaded in a zip folder, which you can extract and check file by file.