Adding im­ages & other media (Clas­sic)

Adding images & other media (Classic)

PLEASE NOTE: Each site has a size limit and unnecessarily large images can take up more of your space than you’d like. If you are sharing many large images, we suggest hosting them with an external storage solution, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Flickr, among others. Instructions for embedding externally hosted images is below.  You can also read our guide to sharing large files on the OpenLab.  If you’re uploading images it’s important to optimize them as much as possible before you upload; you can learn more about resizing images here.

Uploading images and other media

1. To upload images or other media (e.g. pdfs, Word docs, txt files) to a post or a page, go to your Dashboard > Posts > Add New or Pages > Add New.  On the “Add New Post” or “Add New Page” screen, click Add Media from above the text box toolbar.


2. You can select files saved to your computer or flash drive by clicking Upload Files. Then, either drag-and-drop files from saved to your computer or click Select Files.  You can also select image or other files from your media library by clicking the Media Library tab.


3. On the following screen, you can make adjustments to the file you want to upload using the options on the right-hand side of the screen.  You can re-title the image (to make it easier to manage or find later), add a caption to appear underneath the image, and change the “Alignment” and “Size” of the image.

4. After you are finished making adjustments, click Insert into Post, in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.


5, The image will appear in your post.  When you’re finished with the post, click Publish.


6. You can also add images to your media library to use later in posts and pages.  Go to your site Dashboard and click Media > Add New in the left-hand menu.

Add to media library screenshot

Embedding externally-hosted images

1. You can also embed images hosted elsewhere (from another site, such as WikiMedia or from your own external storage service, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Flickr, among others). On the “Add New Post” or “Add New Page” screen, click Add Media from above the text box toolbar.


2. Click Insert from URL in the top left corner and paste the URL of the image.  You can make adjustments such as adding a caption or changing the alignment.


3. Click Insert into Post, in the bottom right corner of the page.

Embedding images from Flickr

For most sites, such as Google Drive, Google Plus, or Dropbox, it’s easy to find an image’s URL. It’s a little trickier on Flickr, so we’ve included instructions below.

1. To get an image URL, you need to View all sizes of the image. Right click on the image itself, or click on the icon to view more options (three dots, at the far right-hand side). Choose View all sizes.


2. Choose the size you want, and right click on the image. Choose Copy Image Location (the wording may vary depending on your browser — you just want to copy the image link or URL).


3. Paste the URL into the “Insert from URL” page, described in step 1 above for embedding externally-hosted images and follow the rest of those directions.

As always, be sure you are following copyright or Creative Commons guidelines for all images you use. For more information read about Following Copyright Guidelines for Images.

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