Adding an image gallery (Classic)
In addition to adding individual images to a post or page, you can also add an image gallery.
1. From the Edit Post or Page screen, put your cursor where you would like to add the image gallery, and click the Add Media button.

2. Click Create Gallery on the left-hand side of the next page (see below). You can either choose images that you’ve already uploaded to your Media Library, or you can upload new files. Depending on which option you want, click on either the Upload Files or Media Library tab.
3. Choose the files you would like to add to the gallery. When you’re finished, click Create a new gallery in the bottom right-hand corner.

4. Next, edit the gallery. You may add captions to your images, drag and drop to change the order of the images, change the number of columns that will appear in the gallery, or add additional images to the gallery. When you’re finished, click Insert gallery in the bottom right-hand corner.

5. The image gallery will appear as a dotted gray box in the post or page editor. If you need to edit the gallery, click on the gray box, and then click on the icon with the camera (see image below).

6. When you’re finished, Publish your post or page, and the image gallery will appear in your post or page similar to what is pictured below.