Flag Design

Flag Design

Flag Design assignment for ADV1100

This was an assignment where we were required to create a flag to represent who we are, and show our understanding of complementary colors and shape/line design.

This piece utilized complementary color, tertiary color, positive/negative shape design, unity, balance, proportion, and a triadic color scheme.

This flag depicts who I am as a person. I chose to use the computer, a basketball, and a video game controller as my main images. The computer is the most dominating of the 3 because it is my strongest interest and has had the biggest influence in my life. The basketball and video games are secondary because they are more of hobbies, and so I chose to show these 2 items in the negative space beside the computer.

I chose the blue background because it is my favorite color but also because I’ve been told I have a cool exterior when meeting someone. When I become more familiar with someone, I become warmer towards them (hence the orange stripe in the center, enveloped by the cool dull blue) and friendlier (green smiley face). I felt the green would make a good contrast and is a nod to the computers of old, which had green text over black backgrounds prior to graphical user interfaces being invented.

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