Well my experience with “Englishes” is not really pleasant because most of them have so many stereotypes and judgements which get me mad and annoyed. Most of the time is makes wonder the reason why I came to America, I know it was my parents dream for me to get the best education in the US but even after all that America is one of the most racist and judge mental country ever, no offense to people who are born here.

As an African I can say can be difficult because I know how it is. Coming from and African family you are still forced to speak in your own language because your parents might be old school and they may not have a good education like you do. So with me speaking my language and English language, it make my English sound like a bad mixtape which also makes my English tongue have an accent.

As an African speak in English language is not very pleasant sometimes because is sound like a “broken english”. Well what am trying to say English language is a good companion to me because without it am just a dumbhead in America. Just like the quote from Walt Whitman, “viewed freely, the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect, race and range of time, and it both free and compacted composition of all.”

Been born and raised in a different that doesn’t speak perfect english isn’t exactly the best place for you to learn how to speak good english. So coming to the US from Nigeria was a lot of changes for me and my brother but we still get stereotypes and judgement from people like, “isn’t your name should be like some African name”. And so many other stuff, my mother being in the US for long time help me adapt with all those judgement and also helping me understand that they are just curios about where am from.