Jacquelyn Blain

Englishes-Wooldeste Tanor

My experience of Moving from Haiti to USA has taught me a lot about diversity it has helped me understand the importance of language, I’ve seen language bringing people together and I’ve also seen it dividing people, I’ve seen people including myself getting bullied because of language, there’s a lot to say on that subject But I’ll not say much.

I’ve always asked myself why there are so many countries that speak English but differently, not just English but French and Spanish which are considered to be universal languages, when I first come to USA I didn’t know how to speak english yet and I could barely understand when people were speaking it, that’s why they sent me to an international high school.

at that school everyone was the same, we could not express ourselves so well in English, i am assuming that’s why no one was making fun of each other, because we were all on the same boat, we were all striving to perfect our English.People who speak english like American could only notice that I have an accent. and before long they would say to me “you got an accent where you’re from?” and I would always respond “I am from Haiti.” and some would even make fun of me. that’s something I am still dealing with till this day.

I have no problem with that because I believe In diversity, everybody has something to offer everybody has something to bring to the table, he/she may not sound like you when speaking english but at the end of the day everybody makes sense, everybody deserves attention, everybody deserves to be heard. doesn’t matter if their English is broken as long as their human they need to be treated as such. people are so much more that that. as Lyiscott said “I may not always come to you with excellency of speech but do not judge me, I speak three languages.”

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Very thoughtful. I think being able to move easily between languages, or even mixing them if the occasion is right, is going to become more and more important. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this.

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