When Mike says I’m already an author, he means that everything I’ve ever written, whether it’s letters to parents or ex-girlfriends, school essays, art I’ve done with text, newspapers, typography works that I have presented, etc. All of this has been transformed into writing experiences that I have, which have helped me in many ways to communicate and express what I feel, from the simplest to the most complex, and thanks to that I was able to do my essays because there was already a precedent for my writing.
To be honest, the process of being an RLW is very complex. However, I am very interested in the technique he uses to know what kind of genre he is in and how to ask the right questions about the author and his way of seeing the text. Very difficult, but I think it is the key to being able have a better writing level.
It can feel complicated at first, but after a while it simply becomes part of the process. Nice comments.