
When it comes to choosing your courses, you can make disastrous decisions that not only affect your financial aid but also the length of time it takes you to graduate. This is why good advisement is essential in order to stay on track and to make the most of the options that you have in front of you.

Important things to know:
1. How to download your transcript
You can download your unofficial transcript via CUNYfirst. CUNYfirst is your student information system. This account allows you to access your current course schedule, register for classes, view your financial aid and pay your bill among other things. Detailed instructions and a link to claim your CUNYfirst account can be found by visiting their website: If you have trouble claiming your account, you can contact the Welcome Center for assistance, 718-260-5520. Your advisor will have a copy of your transcript when you come for advising.

2. How to access and make sense of degree works
You can access degree works using the CUNY Portal where you go to access your blackboard account. Here is a set of slides produced by college that may be of help:

3. Who is your advisor?
This is the most important thing to know. While you are always welcome to come see Prof. Weinreb for advisement, your advisor is someone who can not only help you with choosing your classes but also with your future career goals and your plans for your internship. You advisor could also help you with a recommendation for when you’re applying for jobs and internships and can also be of help with finding a research mentor. Get to know your advisor. You will be emailed your advisor’s name. Check your STUDENT email!

4. I’m a new BIB student and I’m completely lost. What do I do?
Come see Prof. Weinreb for advisement and she will introduce you to Prof. Blair who is the liaison to the New Student Center and responsible to helping you get to grips with the program. He is ready and willing to help!

What courses must I take?
It depends on when you joined the program. Firstly look at your transcript. Depending on when you joined the program you’ll be using a different advising form.

  • If you joined before pathways this will help and this will give you an idea as to what LA, COM, BS and BS/SS courses you can take.
  • If you joined after pathways but before Fall 2014, this will help
  • If you joined after pathways and after Fall 2014, this will help
  • This page has lots of information on the required courses for pathways


How to choose electives?
This is your chance to tailor your degree to what you want to do for your career. You need to take at least 15 credits in one of the two tracks, up to a total of 22/23 credits.

Science and Health Professions Electives
Biological Sciences Electives
Microbiology, BIO 3302 – 4 – the prerequisites for this course are BIO 2311 or BIO 1101
Biochemistry, BIO 3601 – 4 – the prerequisites for this course are BIO 1101, MAT 1275,
ENG 1101 and CHEM 2223
Nutrition, BIO 3524 – 2 – the prerequisite for this course is BIO 2312

Chemistry Electives
General Chemistry I, CHEM 1110 – 4 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 1275
General Chemistry II, CHEM 1210 – 4 – the prerequisite for this course is CHEM 1110
Organic Chemistry I, CHEM 2223 – 5 – the prerequisite for this course is CHEM 1210
Organic Chemistry II, CHEM 2323 – 5 – the prerequisite for this course is CHEM 2223

Physics Electives
Physics 1.3, PHYS 1441 – 5 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 1475
Physics 2.3, PHYS 1442 – 5 – the prerequisite for this course is PHYS 1441

Health Services Administration Electives
Health Services Management II, HSA 3602 – 3 – the prerequisite for this course is HSA 3510
Legal Aspects of Health Care, HSA 3560 – 3 – the prerequisite for this course is HSA 3510
Health Care Finance & Acct. Mgmt. HSA 3630 – 3 – the prerequisites for this course are HSA 3510, MAT 1180 or MAT 1190
Intro to Public Health Admin. HSA 4910 – 3 – the prerequisites for this course are ENG 1101, MAT 1180
or higher, HSA 3510 or HSA program director approval

Computation and Computer Systems Elective Area
Computer Systems Technology Electives
As part of the core curriculum, you will have taken CST1101, CST1201 or CST2403 and CST1204. You have been given permission to skip taking CST1100 by the program. This can lead to issues later when registering for courses that require CST1100 as a prerequisite. This is why you need to contact Prof. Weinreb who contacts the CST department and asks for permission on your behalf.

When choosing electives here, it is important to note that you should plan on taking electives that flow into each other. If you look at the below figure, you can see how choosing the electives in a given path will allow you to develop expertise in a given area.

Operating Systems Fundamentals, CST 1215 – 3
Networking Fundamentals, CST 2307 – 3
Web Programming I, CST 2309 – 3
Intro to Syst Analysis and Design, CST 2406 – 3
Web Programming II, CST 2409 – 3
C++ Programming Part II, CST 3503 – 3
Design of Microcomp Databases, CST 3504 – 3
Computer Security, CST 3510 – 3
Object Oriented Prog in Java, CST 3513 – 3
Object Oriented Programming, CST 3603 – 3
Design of Distributed Databases, CST 3604 – 3


Mathematics Department Electives
Before admittance to the program, you will have taken MAT 1175, MAT 1275 and MAT 1375. Your mathematics education in BIB starts with MAT 1475. To choose electives here, you need to follow the same process as for CST electives. Try and find a path to follow that will give you expertise.

Calculus II, MAT 1575 – 4 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 1475
Discrete Structures & Algorithms I, MAT 2440 – 3 – the prerequisites for this course are (MAT 1375 or higher) and (CST 1201 or CST 2403)
Discrete Structures & Algorithms II, MAT 2540 – 3 the prerequisite for this course is MAT 2440
Introduction to Linear Algebra, MAT 2580 – 3 the prerequisite/corequisite for this course is MAT 1575
Calculus III, MAT 2675 – 4 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 1575
Differential Equations, MAT 2680 – 3 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 1575
*Probability and Math Statistics II, MAT 3672 – 4 – the prerequisites for this course are MAT 2572, MAT 2580, MAT 2675
*Stochastic Models, MAT 3772 – 3 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 2572
*Probability and Math Statistics III, MAT 4872 – 4 – the prerequisite for this course is MAT 3672

* You will need to have taken MAT 2572 instead of MAT 1372 as a core course
