Internships at Companies

These are companies that I’ve contacted and told them about the program. Contact the program coordinator if you wish to apply here.

symbioticSymbiotic Health – a start-up company at the cutting edge of the fecal transplant phenomenon

10BioSystems10BioSystems is a research informatics company based in NYC. They design and implement scientific software systems for clients in life sciences and healthcare.

stirplateStirplate is an answer to many problems that scientists face in their daily jobs: from a PI trying to keep tabs on her lab’s productivity, to a grad student trying to juggle multiple projects and undergrads. Science has evolved – it’s digital, it moves quickly, and it’s becoming more collaborative as new methods are being developed daily. They’ve watched scientists spend thousands of dollars on systems that were difficult to use, expensive and overly complex. As a result, they designed something that is simple to use (no 100-page instructions manual here!) and is nice on the eyes with the goal to make the already difficult job of lab researcher easier