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Web Design: Damani Douglas -The Pandemic: From School to Prison

Thank you so much! Your response to the call for entries for our end of the year BFA Show! Faculty and students responded with double the number of entries as last years’ show, and the entry window was open only for half the time.  GREAT JOB EVERYONE!

The judging was incredibly difficult.  Judges looked at the overall craftsmanship and skill, as well as originality of the idea.  Unlike last years show, not every piece entered is being shown.  This show is curated, meaning only the top entries from each category were included in the show, and then from those, the winners were chosen.    If your piece is included in the show, it has been chosen for inclusion due to its quality.  Congratulations!   If your work was not chosen, congratulations on taking the risk and applying. That kind of strength is what we need to succeed as designers.  Please continue to apply.  

Congratulations again to all who entered, to all of the Honorable Mentions, and most of all to our Best of Show winners.  We thank you for the inspirations that you are.  We couldn’t be prouder of you! 


— Professor Sara Gómez Woolley, Grace Gallery Director

COMD Students:
If your submission to the BFA Show 2021 is missing from this gallery, please contact Prof Woolley or Prof Goetz