
Here i wrote a program that asks the user to enter two integer . Then it ask you to chose if you would like to exit or add, subtract, multiplied, divide or to show the remainder of the integers you entered.


x = input (“Enter first integer”)
y = input (“Enter second integer”)
add = x + y
dif= x – y
pro = x * y
quo = x / y
rem = x % y
print (“Enter 1 to get the Sum”)
print (“Enter 2 to get the Difference”)
print (“Enter 3 to get the Product”)
print (“Enter 4 to get the Quotient”)
print (“Enter 5 to get the Remainder”)
print (“Enter 6 to Exit”)
insert = input ()
insert =int(insert)
if insert == 1:
print (“The Sum is”,add)
elif insert == 2:
print (“The Difference is”,dif)
elif insert == 3:
print (“The Product is”,pro)
elif insert == 4:
print (“The Quotient is”,quo)
elif insert == 5:
print (“The Remainder is”,rem)
elif insert == 6:
print (“Thank you for using my program”)
print (“Try agian”)
