Due:           Weekly – after the first class of the week – unless otherwise instructed.

Length:      One to Two Paragraphs.  (Handwritten or Computer-Printed.)

Discussion: All students should be prepared to informally discuss their reading analysis writing assignments with the class.

At the beginning of each week, you must bring to class a Reading Analysis Writing Assignment. The Reading Analysis Writing Assignment will be one to two paragraphs long. You will present an analysis of the readings for that week or a written response to the professor’s prompt.  Your Reading Analysis Writing Assignment will include:

  • A critical question about the readings AND
  • A quotation or example from the reading that relates to your question
  • Personal or Media example. Include an example that you have encountered in your lived experience – past or present – or in the media.
  • One of the following:

a) One to two paragraphs or more of your response to your critical question

b) One to two paragraphs or more of a broader analysis of the readings that may or may not relate to your question.

Discussion Note: If you have written about a personal experience that you would prefer not to share with the class. Please simply discuss other aspects of your assignment with the class. If you do wish to share a personal experience, be assured that your experiences and opinions will be treated with respect.