Professor Joshua Belknap | ENG 1101 ML D105 | Fall 2022

Post or Email potential research topic 10/10/22

Today, please email me (or comment here as a response to this post) a potential research topic that you could research for your Reflective Annotated Bibliography (Unit 2), and then could become your Unit 3 final research project as well. The librarian might use one or more of your topics as examples of how to search for research materials in the library.

If you’re really unclear about choosing a research topic, or you feel you need to narrow down your topic, please email or call me. You may research any thing you are interested in and want to learn more about; the most important thing is that you are interested in it, though.

Email or call me with any questions or concerns.

I hope you enjoy the long weekend, and I’ll see you Wednesday morning at the library!


  1. JiaBaoLiang

    My topic: How do you make a character with a real soul in it that is impressive.

  2. Tehreem

    My topic: Gothic Architecture

  3. Muhammad Ibrar

    My topic is “The Minority in The New York City”.

    • Joshua Belknap

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  4. Destiny Erhunmwunse

    My Topic;

    “why adults of 18 years sometime can’t make decisions for themselves even though they knew what they were doing is right” 

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