Project 4 Summary

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the greatest landmarks in Brooklyn and contains so much historical value.In Project 4 I, the author of my own discussed and analyzed two accounts based on the history and the physical attributes of the bridge. I decided to talk about the Stampede of 1883 and the deaths that occurred on the bridge. After I had analyzed and discussed the two accounts, I compared the two events to find out that both of these accounts do in fact are similar and have their own respective differences. A similarity is that the two stories resulted in death, the death of John A. Roebling the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge, while the Stampede of 1883 resulted in the death of many innocent lives and terrorized the population. However the difference between these two accounts is that after the Stampede of 1883 the “test” that P.T. Barnum executed prevented anymore false claims about the stability of the Brooklyn Bridge thus, prevented further deaths. In this essay I claimed that there were many tragic events that have happened in the bridge’s history but people are so blinded by the physical beauty of the bridge that most of them wont analyze any further and disregard these event.

Works Cited

Project 4 By Henry Li

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