Project #1 : Introducing Yourself

My name is Gerald Palmieri and I am striving to become a mogul in the business world. I attended CSI high school for international studies where I took a finance class that sparked my sudden interest in the stock market, business, as well as accounting. As well as this I like to play and watch sports as well as attend sporting events. Football is my favorite sport to watch as the excitement and action of it gets my blood flowing. I work at a restaurant called the West Shore in Staten Island which is also where I reside. I have three siblings, two sisters and one brother. All and all I am very satisfied with my life thus far and hope to continue to reach for success at City Tech.

My avatar seems pretty blunt but to me it means a lot. My avatar is a simple sunset with a lighthouse in the back round. I am going for the typical college look for I am trying to be a mature person in college. I wouldn’t say I was a reckless person but I tend to be very lazy and do not get top priorities done until the last minute as you can see from the lateness of this post. However, when I do finish my work on time or even earlier it is top notch and considerably good. Besides the point, I am trying to be typical but be my own person at the same time. That is the vibe I am trying to portray with my avatar.

Like any picture, it can be worth a thousand words or thoughts. My avatar also can convey that theory as some people might get that wrong idea. Some people that my avatar is blank which can indicate that my major is undecided and I don’t know what I want to with my life yet. It could also indicate that my life is filled with happiness and that everything is going smoothly so far in college. Whatever the case may be, I hope to meet new people and have a good college experience and that is exactly is what I think of when I look at my avatar.

For my profile, I hope it branches out the message to fellow students at City Tech that I am willing to meet new people. A lot of the reason of why I was so eager to attend college was not just to begin my life and whole new education, but was to meet new people. I always love making new friends with similar interests. I believe that goes for anyone making a profile. If you are writing a bio about yourself that will be viewed among people, then you want to be honest and clear about yourself. A profile can be interpreted as a first impression too because first time visitors to your profile could be interested in what they read about you. They could have similar interests and could want to meet up in school. That is how potential great friendships begin. A profile must also be professional too because you never know who can be looking whether it is a future employer or even a college. Generally a profile is a small excerpt of who you are.

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