Letter to future students

Dear future learning community students, my name is gerald Palmieri and if you are lucky enough to be a part of these duel wielded classes them pay attention. I learned a lot in my English and speech classes. Having good professors helped but also the new matieral is very useful in life. I really enjoyed my speech class because it helped me overcome a fear of speaking in front of people confidently. You will be learning a lot including the different types of speeches like persuasive and informative. English class was also very interesting to me because of how I learned a lot about the history of Brooklyn. You will read many types of stories, explore their meanings and their authors and why they wrote them. One of my favorite stories was about the music and culture of fort greene park back in the day. I am not a Brooklyn native and after learning more about the area I was really intrigued and intend to learn and visit more. Both these classes coexist as many assignments you will do in one class will carry over to your other class and will be similar. My advice would be to find a place you really enjoy around the area because many projects that you will be doing will revolve around memorable places in brooklyn around city tech. All in all the learning community program was a success because of all I’ve learned and I made some pretty great friends too.

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