Advice to incoming student

To the incoming student:
Before talking about the class, I want to tell you an equation, college student is equal an adult. When you are a college student, people expect you are responsible and knowing what to do. Therefore, the excuse that you used in high school is not so useful at the college anymore. Grow up, guys.
As a freshman, I feel lucky I have this class. I live in Manhattan five years since I move in New York; and I never step out of my bubble. “Being in Brooklyn” really gives me a new vantage point of New York. You can learn more about the Downtown Brooklyn, the new environment, and learn how to give your school life more color. As a new student, you might have a problem that no friends from your old high school have the same class with you. Yes, this is the problem I have at the beginning of the class, but now, no more. Since you have same classmates in both Speech and English class, you can meet new friends, chatting with them at that 15 minutes break. When God makes time, it makes plenty of it, so use that time.
If you want me to rate this course, I think it will be nine out of ten. So where does that one point go? It probably the speech and the Open lab; personally, I do like speech, and I don’t like to use computer to do the daily homework, because the computer is always distract me. So if you cannot bear that temptation as I did, I suggest you to open another account on your computer, with icon of Microsoft word only. Do not miss any assignment, not matter how small percentage they are, it still have power to affect your grade at the end. More importantly, DO NOT ABSENCE, because more than four absences, you cannot take you final test; and you if fail your final test, congratulation, you have to take the same course again.
Hoping you enjoy this class, and gain a good grade.

Student in fall 2013

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