Project 4 Summary

Hurricane Sandy can be said to be one of New York City’s greatest storms and it affected many people all around the city. People were left homeless and people were evacuated from their homes into shelters. One of these shelters is Brooklyn Technical High School. Brooklyn Tech took residents at Chai Home and Surf Manor and shelter them in the school for over two weeks.  These patients were greatly affected by the storm. They lost their homes and most of these patients were of special needs. This storm turned out to be a disaster for these people. However despite the devastation of the storm to these people, students of Brooklyn Tech were given a blessing by this storm. Students got over 11 days off from school and when they returned the period and class times were shortened. To the students at Brooklyn Tech, this may be more of a boon than a tragedy.  Students were even given an extension to college applications because of this storm. This storm helped most of the students at Brooklyn Tech more than it hurt them. Despite this storm hurting and badly affecting the lives of the patients at the adult homes, it affected the students of Brooklyn tech in a positive way.

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