A piece of advice for freshmens

Dear Incoming students,

One of the course which is required to take in college in ENG 1101. This course enhances your ability to write essays, summaries, read different texts etc. As we all know the reality that college is not easy. But one can get lucky by getting enrolled in a learning community during their first semester which by taking ENG 1101 & SPE 1330. Starting of a fresh new life in college and hearing that your class title is actually “Being in Brooklyn” might seem pretty boring at first especially when you are from another neighborhood. But as we all know we should never judge a book by its cover. This class is designed in such a way that incoming freshmen students who have no knowledge about the neighborhood get the chance to know it in a pretty deep way. One of the most important thing to do in this course is to actually go out on a walk and find a place which excities and thrills you from inside  in learning more about that place. This is the most important thing in both the classes because the word “location” is going to come back and forth almost every other day in the classes. Picking up different locations, changing your location frequently might give you a very hard time during the semester. The best idea is to stick with one in which you are interested and stay focused. A lot of time is given to choose the location and a lot of opportunities are provided by both the professors. Giving out stories on places in Brooklyn, reading articles on place in Brooklyn, a tour with class near the campus, a library session with the whole class is done and many different things to help you out. One good thing about the class is that nothing is due to once everything has a deadline which gives you heads up that how you should plan on your schedule. Never plan on doing the paper a night before because you will end up screwing yourself. Try to stay in touch by asking them to look over your work by an email. Lastly, never ever hesitate asking help about anything because both Prof Rosen and Davis are very kind and generous. They are always ready with a solution to help you no matter what your problem is about.

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