Summary – 10/28/13

Since it was a double session for both classes, we observed other students give presentation including myself. We learned about many places and their historical background. After everyone finished giving their presentation. We were informed about how important it is to register for you classes for the spring semester. Professor David explained of the importance to plan ahead, to think of what classes you are required to take, and what classes not to. He explain we should review the classes we want with our advisor. After that announcement, we were told, the students that went up today for presentation should go check on Openlab to check out their video of how they did in their presentation and to afterwards fill out their informative speech self evaluation. The students who didn’t bring those sheets in weren’t going to receive back their grade for their presentation. We were also told by Professor Rosen to make sure we answer one of the 3 question she wrote and to answer in a summary. We have to read “Reading Lucy”, at the end Professor Davis said, it would be a “good idea” to start reading chapter 9.

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