
My name is Ryan Hobe. I am a freshman at the New York City College of Technology. I like to play basketball and enjoy my life as much as possible. I take pride in the fact that I am independent, living on my own, and supporting myself although i have a loving family that would do anything for me if i needed help. Im not sure what I would like to do in the future as far as a career, but I like to work with my hands and be outside around other people. Engineering seems to be a good field to find that type of work environment. I would like to be comfortable in my old age as well as keeping my family comfortable. The only way to do this is to ensure a good future by landing a good job. I have many problems and daily stresses, as I’m sure everybody else does, but I try not to let it get in the way of my education and goals. Hard work pays off. I have only been in Brooklyn for about a year and a half so although I have seen and experienced new things i look forward to getting to know my new home. I plan on staying here for a very long time, but in the case I don’t, I will never forget all that I learned and the people that I’ve met. I believe that as long as i can stay focused and not get distracted by things less important I will be a very successful individual.

My chose this avatar because I am generally a happy person and my smile expresses that. I also like the shirt that i am wearing that says “sustain life”, because I promote staying alive in general which might not be as easy as some may believe. It also means to me that people should make the most of their lives while they’re here and sustain or strive for a better style of living. The water in the background is just something I’ve always loved from vacations or movies. To me it’s just very relaxing and nature is a good way to get away from problems you may have in the real world.

Other people may interpret my avatar differently that I do. They might look at my smile and think to themselves that I’m corny or somewhat of a clown because i kind of think the same thing at first-glance. They may look at my shirt and think I’m some kind of hippie or activist. The water could symbolize that I could want to be a marine biologist or something in the field of ocean exploration.

I think that my profile will convey that I am a driven person who wants to succeed. Happiness is the key to living a fulfilling life. As long as you’re happy you will be more concentrated and able to achieve your goals. I also hope that it conveys strength and that I would like to help others achieve if possible. I like to see other people do well because that makes me feel like more things are possible for me.

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