Media Tech Concepts

This Site map was created for a fictional website and was created to show the organization and accessibility of said website.

The Homeself is a security system that uses small projectors around your house to create and allow a holographic guardian to patrol your house. If in the event of an actual burglary or random attack on your house the police will be notified and then you will be able to control the hologram via iphone/ipad or android in order creep the suspect from escaping this is where you can change the appearance of your hologram you can turn i you into a Cerberus or  a dragon or if your burglar just happens to be afraid of clowns u may utilize every projector in you house to make a tiny army of clowns to trap the aggressor in a room of your choosing till the police arrive.

The Data Gauntlet is a concept for a wearable device that Seku Burris and I worked on.

Data gauntlet description
The data gauntlet is a glove that the user wear to transfer data with just a touch combined with an android powered device it uses the android beam to transfer data to other smartphones or computers it can even retrieve data. But in addition to data transfer it allows the user to become the mouse on a computer by activating the computer’s webcam and the user also has the choice to turn on the voice recognition software of the computer to be able to complete tasks faster all this convenience is just a touch away

The following is few examples of how i chose to re-think the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Game 1

Equipment: paper pencil

shapes: X O triangle (2 players)

Set up: 10×10 grid

Goal: The first player to have 3 of the same shape in a row wins but every turn a triangle is placed adjacent to the placed shape.

Game 2

Equipment: paper, pencil

shapes: X,O (2 players)

Set up: 10×10 box grid , every 2 turns an outer layer of the grid is blacked out, players have 10 seconds to make a move.

Goal: to get  three of the same shape in a row.

Game 3

Equipment: paper, pencil, six-sided die

Shapes: X,O, Square, Triangle (2-4 players)

Set up: 100×100 grid player roles the die depending on the number is how many boxes of their choosing are blacked out if players roll the same numbers their turn to roll is lost.

Game 4

Equipment: paper, pencil

Shapes: X,O (2 players)

Set up: 5×5 grid, if 2 X’s surround an O like this XOX or in a diagonal way the O is erased or vice versa.

Goal: to erase as many of the opponents shapes in 2 minutes.

Game 5

Equipment: paper, pencil, six-sided die

Shapes: X,O, Square, Triangle (2-4 Players)

Set up: each player gets a 10×10 grid then each must create the same shape using whatever their designated marker is after every turn a player rolls a dice and they can erase the marker from another’s shape  if the same number is rolled after by the same player or any other the amount of markers that were erased are then given back to the player that lost them.