
My Journey throughout college was not easy there has been a lot of hurdles that I as a student like many others had to overcome. But with my innate capacity to overcome these obstacles and constantly put in the work I was able to obtain my Baccalaureate Degree. This online portfolio displays every single course that was essential in guiding me in my major of Business and Technology of Fashion. Each and every one of these courses has equipped me with such crucial knowledge of Marketing, Sales, Fashion, Textiles, Global Trade , and many more. These courses were taught in a way in which I could apply this knowledge into the real world in whichever endeavor I decide to pursue.

Hover over the Coursework Tab to see all of the courses that were essential in my growth as a Fashion Student.

Developing my Brand

Color – “Color is the biggest motivation for shopping before size, fit, or price. Color signage says more than words. Some of these terms to describe color are Daring, intrusive, sophisticated, and demanding” (Bell, J.A., 2010).

Line – “Line is a direction- a major part of the composition – the way they are arranged determines the effectiveness of the presentation” (Bell, J.A., 2010).