A View from my window: Enlarging thumbnails


Here’s the process of making a view from my window larger. Where I had to use 14×17″ Bristol, black paper, tracing paper, scissors, exacto knife, cutting mat, glue, a ruler, pencils and drafting tape. First with my mistake, I drew directly on the Bristol forgetting, it was going to get covered up anyways. So prior to my mistake, I had to use tracing paper, and trace my drawings for the exact size to make sure I cut out the shapes exact cutout of the black paper. From that mistake, it took me a bit longer to get this assignment done. I thought getting from my small thumbnails to this larger image would be harder but it end up to be pretty simple. Actually the hardest part was from tracing my image I drew on the Bristol and tape the tracing paper on the black paper and cutting. Trying my best for the tracing paper not to move while using my exacto knife to cut the parts of black paper of the image I need to glue back onto the Bristol. This was actually my first experience using an exacto knife, so getting use to it was a bit of a challenge but end up being successful in the end getting through the cuts I needed to get done in order to finish this assignment.

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