Ethics in the workplace

Ms. Gotay always encourages use to look up the client who we are doing a project for. Ms. Gotay is a kind employer. She makes you feel welcomed. She is also very accommodating.

Images use at my internship are either from free stock websites that don’t require any attribution or from a website called which Ms. Gotay has an account for. Sometimes the images are provided by the client. At my internship we were not required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

InterScience Diagnostic Folder

This is one of my most recent project at my internship. I created some designs for a presentation folder for InterScience Diagnostic. I started my process by searching for imagery. With advice from Ms.Gotay, I created different designs

Virtual Museum Visit

The  virtual museum exhibition that I viewed was Artist in their times Korean modern and contemporary art from 1900s to 1970s at the National museum of modern and contemporary art, Korea. This exhibit features a series of artworks that falls into the categories of modern and contemporary art. Modern art is creatively adapting to innovative ideas and concepts. Modern artist  try to capture the subject as using their specific perspective.  

The first art piece that I saw was called “Untitled” created by Kwon Youngwoo. This is an abstract painting. This piece was created in 1985. The dimensions are 224cm x 170cm. The median is gouache ink/ink on paper. This piece is created by tearing holes into paper and squeezing paint onto the paper causing the paint to drip down the sheet of paper. This art piece caught my attention because it is abstract and unique.  

The second piece that I looked at was called “Deoksu Palace-Seoul” created by IM Sangbin. This is a representational piece. This piece was created in 2009/2010. The dimensions are 137cm x 86.5cm. The median is digital chromogenic color print. This art piece was created by combing two different communities to create a composition. This art piece caught my attention because it is a great example of how to create a diverse composition. 

The final art piece that I looked at was called “Calla” created by Lee Insung. This is a representational painting. Insung used white calla lilies in his painting which can be looked at as showing a sense of freedom for his country from Japan. This piece was created in 1932. The dimensions are 38cm x 29cm. The median is watercolor on paper. This painting uses watercolor and some aspects of oil painting. This art piece caught my attention because of its use of different colors and attention to detail of the flowers.  

Even though some people enjoy going to museums, I believe having the ability to view virtual exhibits allows you to see exhibits from all over the world. You also can go back and view a piece that you might have missed the first time or get more information about a piece that you saw. 

Pirate Queens Book Release

The second networking event that I went to was a book release for a book called Pirate Queens. This was an in-person event. This book was written by Leigh Lewis and illustrated by Professor Woolley, one of the professors from our department.

She was passionate about her work, and it showed in the illustrations. Many came out to show support to Professor Wolley. I know I did. Her drawings allow you to experience what you can accomplish with hard work. 

This event was a great experience for me. I was able to participate by being part of the team that filmed the event. Attendees at the event were able to purchase copies of the book signed by the author and illustrator. 

Advanced Vyond +Adobe

Title: Advanced Vyond +Adobe

Topic covered: How to use Adobe Premiere Pro with Vyond to enhance your videos using different techniques.

Name of the speaker:  Taylor Morgan, Video Producer, Vyond

I learned how to use the Lumetri Color panel in Adobe Premiere Pro.  I also learned the overall process of preparing and enhancing your video to import it to Vyond. Taylor Also demonstrated to separate the background and the subject in Vyond. Using the separated background and subject he also demonstrated how to create shallow depth of feel using keyframes and Gaussian blur. I believe that this webinar was very informative. I learned about Vyond which is a program that I never heard of. I also learned more about the Lumetri color panel and how to use it effectively.

how to use Lumetri Color panel: Adjust color with the Lumetri Color panel in Premiere Pro | Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials

Digital Smoothie Board

This is my latest project at my internship. it is another collaborative project. We had to create digital menu boards. My assignment was to design a digital fruit smoothie menu board. I started by creating my design template in illustrator. Once I complete the template in illustrator, I started looking for vibrant images of smoothies and different fruits. I also chose my fonts and color palette. After I finished setting up my layout, I transferred the file to after effects and animated it. 

Farmer’s Blvd Menu Boards

I have been working on different projects since starting the internship, some of which I work with other interns. One of the projects was a series of menu boards for Farmer’s Blvd. With help from Ms.Gotay, I designed the burger menu board.

Applying for Internship & my first day at Calling All Graphics

Starting internship was both scary and exciting at the same time. Exciting because I know that I am almost finished with my studies and scary because I was entering into the work world.  

I started by looking at different internships on the internship coordination site. In the list of companies I saw Calling All Graphics, I emailed Ms. Gotay introducing myself and letting her know that I would like to apply for her Spring 2022 internship. I also sent her my portfolio and resume. Later that day she emailed me back and said that she would love to have me be apart of her internship. The following week we met on Zoom for what I thought would be my “official interview.” I was wrong, I started working right away, I felt right at home and knew I applied for the right internship. 

Firebelly Virtual Studio Tour

The first networking event that I went to was a virtual studio tour at Firebelly. The event was hosted by AIGIA Colorado. Firebelly is a small studio company.  The senior design director is Will Miller. Will was the main presenter at the event. Everyone from the company that was there, introduced themselves and said what they do at the company.  Will did a presentation showing some of their previous projects. He also talked about their project process, which starts with research, their research leads to them planning out how they are going to execute their project and the final step in the process is documentation. 

The next part of the event a Q&A. I asked if they do a lot of motion design projects? Will answered an said “ Lately, we’ve been doing a ton. Starting with the idea of motion first.” Someone followed up with a Question about what applications they use when do a motion design project? Will mentioned many different applications, such as a well known application called After Effects. Someone also asked about tips for getting hired at an agency? Some of the tips that were given were:Building an identity.
Make sure your work matches what they are looking for.Show them how you think and approach design.

The final section was the Virtual tour of the studio. Everyone’s  workstation in the main room was separated by portions to maintain social distancing during the pandemic. 

Images from Iqra Bhatti, google images and