Ethics Assignment- Entry 2

2) While viewing the readings about the AIGA Business & Ethics. They’re important points that stood out for me to be mindful of when preparing to become a graphic designer. Especially, when using another designer’s designs to create advertising designs or graphic illustration designs it’s very vital to receive their consent if they allow other artists to use their pieces to create designs. Also, very essential to practice creating more creative graphic designs & receive feedback from the client you’re presenting your work to in order to grow & improve as a graphic designer.

a) I have used another artist’s design work to create my own graphic designs in the past. Some of them are photographs & ad posters. Before I took the packaging design course, I found and used this image of a lady using a deodorant spray for her underarms. I knew this image would be perfect as my background for the scented deodorant spray line I created for my ad poster. I was still able to use this photograph and gave the photographer credit.

b) While viewing the reading about the arguments & outcome of the Fairey copyright case, the image Gracia took of Obama is her own original photograph. But, Fairey wanted to do something different & unique so he wanted to use his own creativity to make the image of Obama appear interesting. He also acknowledged the fact that most photographs are copyrightable subject matter. However, he stated that ” not all aspects of photographs constitute “original expression” entitled to copyright protection”. But he use obama’s facial image which is not in the copyright protection zone. At the same time, the aesthetic of the photograph gracia took is more realism ( how we see the world). But, in Fairey’s case he created a idealism aesthetic design which is the opposite of the photo she took. I believe that every artist should have the freedom to express themselves and add their own twist & uniqueness into their designs to show the world who they are as a designer. But, it vital to be aware of copyright works some artists are cool for other artists to use and some to make sure to receive their consent if it’s ok to do so.

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