Install Software on Host PC

Donkey Methods

Follow the steps outlined on the official DonkeyCar website for you operating system of choice.

Donkey2 Method

Linux Kernel-based Windows pc is strongly recommended to avoid unnecessary hassle.

Linux Kernel installation:

  1. Run cmd as administrator and paste the following code: Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  2. Restart your pc. ( Note: you may need to restart your pc twice if you see any error )
  3. Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS from windows store or from here.
  4. Open Ubuntu. Set your username & password. The password is required to install anything through ubuntu.
  5. Finally run this code in Ubuntu : sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  6. Your windows pc now has Linux kernel.

Donkey Software Installation in Linux Kernel:

  1. Paste this code to install miniconda: wget
  2. Then this: bash ./

Create & Activate Virtual Environment:

  • Create virtual environment through this code: virtualenv env --python=python3
  • Activate the environment: source env/bin/activate

Download and Install the Dependencies for This Car Template:

  1. git clone
  2. cd donkey2
  3. pip install -r drive_requirements.txt