My Strenghts

Individual Strengths

After doing a self-analysis of the attitudes and virtues that define me as a person, I consider that I possess qualities that fit with the profile and characteristics that a Professional Registered Nurse must have. I can describe myself as a good team player; I can comfortably work with a group of people and collaborate with them in the achievement of a common goal. Indeed, I am part of the interdisciplinary team at the facility where I currently work; and I feel that by working together with other members of the health care team, I am able to provide faster and better quality of services. I can assist my colleagues and let them assist me when any issue arises.

In addition, other quality that defines me is responsibility; I always make sure that the tasks that have been assigned to me are completed within the designated timeframe. However, I do not just ensure that things are done but that they are done properly. I’m very methodical and thorough with my work. I’m a hard worker and a very punctual person. I’m one of those people who think that punctuality says a lot about a person. Other of my strengths is that I am able to follow directions. Finally, I am a good listener and interpersonal communicator. I think that we all have the right to talk about things that we disapprove or are against with; however, we have to know how to communicate and express our concerns. I always remember that courtesy, confidence and honesty are qualities that a real professional should always keep in mind.