Category Archives: Uncategorized

TODAY! In the “It would be really, REALLY funny if it wasn’t true” Department…

Official Who Set Guidelines For British Internet Porn Filters Arrested On Child Porn Charges

#NotanOnionArticle jokes…

Eyes Wide Shut, anyone?

These type of people should be tarred and fleeced as far and wide as possible, and with the internet that pretty much means they should be flagged for life as pedo-freaks and barred access to even being in the vicinity of young children, something like an order of protection with every fucking child written on the thing; the story will probably be buried, cue the Vaudeville hook and music, loud and skanky…

Reminds me of something… oh yeah, that one story that was not too long ago swept under the carpet despite appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper:

5200 Pentagon Employees Purchased Child Pornography?

You don’t say…

edit: additional sources