This paper I wrote about the importance of tobacco cessation. I really enjoyed writing this paper and I chose to display it because as a dental hygienist I will be working with a lot of smoker patients. It is important to educate patients about the importance of how it affects mouth and the rest of the body as well. This paper taught me about the affects of smoking and I could use this knowledge to educate my future patients.

This following paper I think was major milestone for me in the dental hygiene program because it taught me about how much radiation is actually exposed in dental radiographs. I liked this assignment because in the real world I will be taking x rays and i will come across patients who will refuse dental radiographs. This paper taught me how i will communicate those type of patients and explain how little exposure the radiation from dental x rays really is.

This paper I talked about Cementoblastoma which can present in patients. I think this is another important paper that i wrote in the program because oral pathology can have a lot of different differential diagnosis . I think this paper taught me how to rule out other differential diagnosis based on etiology, patient symptoms ,radiographs and how to provide patients with treatment options pertaining to Cementoblastoma.