

MetroCard Need and Delivery Process

ASAP/ACE will offer our transportation benefit for Spring 2024. Please follow the link below  with step by step instructions and request your MetroCard. You must request a card no later than January 7th. MetroCards will be shipped to the address you indicate for delivery You only need to request a card once!PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ENTER ACCURATE EMPLID, EMAIL,  AND MAILING ADDRESS AND APARTMENT NUMBER (if applicable)!!  

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ASAP | ACE MetroCard Mailing Form (

MetroCard In Person Pick Up
If you did not request a MetroCard by mail, you will receive an email listing MetroCard in person pick up dates and the location.

Lost MetroCard Policy
Lost MetroCards will not be replaced. So take care of it!

Damaged MetroCard Policy
If your card is damaged, please return it to the ASAP/ACE office. You will be able to get a new card between 24 to 48 hours.