Category Archives: Coursework

Den 1100 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

Den 1112 Oral anatomy

Den 1114 Histology and embryology

Den 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II (Lecture and Laboratory)

Den 2300 Principles of Dental Hygiene III (Lecture and Laboratory)

Den 2311 Oral pathology

Den 2315 Pharmacology

Den 2317 Periodontics

Den 1218/ Den 1218 L Dental Radiology (Lecture and Laboratory)

Den 2318 Dental Materials

Den 2400 Principles of Dental Hygiene IV (Lecture and Laboratory)

Den 2413 Introduction to Public Health


Welcome to my E-Portfolio!

My name is Ahmed.Saberin and I am going to share my journey in Dental Hygiene. Since childhood, I have always loved science, especially Biology. I passed my A-levels (IGCSE) in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. I started as a dental assistant with an Oromaxillofacial surgeon and honed my skills, but ultimately decided to further expand my horizons by becoming a Dental hygienist. Throughout the past 2 years in Dental hygiene program, I gained crucial knowledge and proper techniques to utilize my understanding between patients and clinicians. My goal is to provide a healthier Periodontal Oral Health and communicate with patients on how to keep their mouths healthy.



I have had a passion since childhood to work in the Dental world. I started Dental Assisting with a great mentor and developed myself by gaining experience throughout my work. In the past 4 years of my assisting, I have learned about Implant Placements, Root Canals, Osseous Surgery, Crown Preps, Fillings and etc. I also took the responsibility of the lab work such as making whitening trays, night-guards, temporary crowns, and retainers. This further flamed my passion to learn more and persuaded my goals through Clinical Skills.

Application of Varnish.

Application of Varnish.