Modern Day Art

Today modern art has really grown over time. Modern can be expressed in way that people can ever imagine. Its either in a picture form, sculpture form, or even in a musical/acting form. It is amazing how Rashaad Newsome is portraying his form of modern art. The different materials and patterns to create such a great piece of work. This also reminds me of the origami that i make and use different colors and different patterns to put it together to create and express my way feelings in an art form to show to other people instead of speaking to people. I really like Rashaad Newsome’s form of art in way that catches the attention of of young adults.

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2 Responses to Modern Day Art

  1. nycprodigy21 says:

    Modern Art has definitly changed through time. Almost every year something brand new is developed. The art piece above amazed me because it was so creative. Art does take alot of time and paitience but when everything is finished, its a master piece. I believe that the piece above was made of toothpicks, the texture and the shape astounded me. Its a great creation

  2. Sandra Cheng says:

    That’s an origami piece? It’s wonderful! so creative and a lovely demonstration of craftsmanship too.

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