Discussion Topic: Bling! Rashaad Newsome’s Heraldry

This week you will explore the work of contemporary artist Rashaad Newsome who mixes earlier art with popular culture.  Read a recent New York Times article about Newsome and watch some videos about him, including one produced by the artist.  Newsome’s work is currently on display at the Marlborough Gallery in Chelsea through Dec 3.  What to you seems historical about Newsome’s art?  Do you think the references to history make his art more relevant to you?  Why or why not?

Link to NYT article on Newsome “Blending Hip-Hop and Heraldry”

Interview with Rashaad Newsome at Hartford’s Wadsworth Atheneum museum

Video of Newsome’s re-interpretation of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana combining clips of rapper’s hands in YouTube videos

Check out Newsome’s exhibition at the Marlborough Gallery in Chelsea

Groups 1, 2, and 3: Please submit a post by Thursday, 11/17
Groups 4, 5, and 6: Please comment on a classmate’s post by Thursday, 11/17

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3 Responses to Discussion Topic: Bling! Rashaad Newsome’s Heraldry

  1. dariogpx says:

    I think that he could of had me if he wasnt inspired by niki. I also think he has a very unique taste in creating art but the whole rap thing, STOP IT!!!!!!

  2. inzyk says:

    Rashaad Newsome’s art is quite interesting, he takes objects and recreates them into something interesting. It seems a lot like photoshop because images of certain things are enhanced. However, I don’t find the rap that appealing, in my opinion he should stick to the art.

  3. algenis says:

    This is very unique, if you just take a quick look you aren’t able to see what the artist was trying to say. You have to take your time a look at the work. He has a different style.

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