Is it or is it not?

What is art? Who defines what is and what isn’t art? Isn’t it like beauty which is in the ‘eye of the beholder’? I feel that art is one way to express one self’s thoughts, opinions and feelings on just about anything.
I do believe that graffiti is a form of art. Yes I do feel that it is wrong for people to ‘tag’ on private properties (homes mostly) , unless they were given permission to do so, but I also agree with Margaret Kilgallen about all the billboards that surround us everyday. I feel that all these advertisements around (especially when they are just plain ol’ boring) are a sort of pollution & instead of complaining about graffiti how about people complain about all the advertisements all over (train carts,on buildings, billboards, etc.) To me that’s what’s getting to be too much.

Can you honestly look at these and say they’re garbage….

As oppose to these…..

I mean I know we have to have advertisement around for companies to inform the public on products but on the outside of the subway carts too?! I think they’re taking it too far with that. Next thing you know they’ll probably find a way to put on sidewalks and streets.


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2 Responses to Is it or is it not?

  1. Sandra Cheng says:

    Good points, and excellent links, I’ve never seen the vitamin-water ads on subway cars, interesting point about sidewalks because it makes you wonder why so much is focused upwards (think of the advertising in Times Square). It’s hard to believe that people don’t take advantage of the sidewalk very much, wonder if there’s a negative connotation about advertising on the ground.

  2. Algenis says:

    “beauty which is in the eye of the beholder”, this is very true, because no one can tell you something is not people have different way of expressing them self and not everyone have the same mentality of what art. People say graffiti is not are because you don’t see it in museum but you see them more in the street and train.Everyday you go outside you will see at and it come in different way.

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