Graffiti as History, Graffiti as Art

Graffiti is such a touchy subject. On one hand, it is art because its a form of expression. The best part is that its free art. On the other hand, it deface or destroys public/personal property.  Ultimately, I think that graffiti is a type of art, but I do not believe graffiti artist should defaces or destroy personal/public property, ancient structures or artifacts. The people that own their property should have a right if they want graffiti on it or not, and ancient structures and artifact all tell stories about the past. I think more factories should mimic what 5 pointz aka phun factory did and open their walls for graffiti. In this way, factories will not have to spend money on repainting there exterior wall, which is not cheap, and the graffiti artist can express their art. Factories owners can also force the artist to use only certain kinds of paint just in case the owners are afraid that the paint might damage their walls. This will cause a win win for both sides. Graffiti is also important because like it or not it conveys a sense of history. It show the viewer what the artist was thinking and trying to portray in their piece.

5pointz link below:

1 block away from PS.1.

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3 Responses to Graffiti as History, Graffiti as Art

  1. nycprodigy21 says:

    I completely agree with joe about the arts of graffiti. It is art after all, just a different type of art. Its a way people show there talents in drawing and also about there history. There is alot of histories behind many of the graffiti arts. You get a sense of what that person was trying to show or tell about his/her art work. Yes people think of it a violation and a crime, but thats only because the do these art works in the wrong places. I agree with other when they say it isnt right to draw near home and public property, thats a felon to me. But it you are aloud and you have a permit of somewhat to draw these art work in the area, go right ahead because it will show something other never knew about the artist. It also shows off there talents.

  2. stanley says:

    i agree with joe that graffiti can be art. Many people do see graffiti as a crime or a felon but others see graffiti as an inspiration to their future. Graffiti can sometimes violate peoples property but graffiti is what make people artists. To some people doing graffiti can express their feelings and emotions by drawing things that are deep inside of them. Some graffiti can be inappropriate and some can be amazing but it all depends on the artist, who believes their graffiti is art. In other words , graffiti can be view as art and inspire more people to believe graffiti as art.

  3. Sandra Cheng says:

    Nice thread and good points about propriety and artistic value, that the mural by PS1 looks amazing

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