I believe that any art work can be recyclable. I agree with John Baldessari when he says that art work cannot be owned. Anybody can be an artist depending on their creativity. Most famous artists probably may have sampled off other artists or were inspired by their ideas, techniques, and styles. I can say also that I have been doing some recyclable type of art myself. I use overstocked printing paper or printing paper that people don’t really need and turn it into modular origami art. I had based my ideas off of watching some youtube tutorials and use their basic format of how to create some figures. Once I had gotten the basics of it down I was then able to make my own versions and create my own designs. From that I was able to start business and sell my custom art pieces to people in my area. From this experience that is why I believe that art is recyclable.
I agree with you Yewtechno. I also believe that any art work can be recyclable. John Baldessari’s reminds me of a piece I saw in the Museum of the Moving Image Trash Mirror (Edition 3) by Daniel Rozin. url—> http://blog.ohny.org/2011/07/01/field-trip-friday-museum-of-the-moving-image/ Rozin uses trash from NYC sidewalks to create a wall of trash. What so cool about it is that the wall actually move when you walk by it. Some of the trash use is old (the old coke cans, sour patch wrapper, cry babies wrappers, 5 cent bazooka etc), so when you look at it reminds you of when you were a child. Memories of how you used to go to the deli and buy your favorite treats flows into your mind.
The Rozin piece is a great example (thanks for the url). I like the way it not only evokes memories but how it’s programmed to respond to viewers by slowing tilting towards or shifting away from a scan of each visitor, a truly interactive work of art.
Yewtechno, I’m excited to hear of your art work. I hope you’ll upload some photos of your origami creations for us all to see.