Photos: Tetrapod beaches of Japan

Tetrapod beaches of Japan

Tetrapod beaches of Japan

These photographs are of tetrapods located in japan tetrapods are used to prevent coastal erosion. These images are amazing, the shape of the tetrapods are nothing like I’ve seen before in fact i wasn’t aware of what Tetrapods were until i came across these images. Some of the images like the second one kinda shows focal point and shows a interesting look, because the actual tetrapods are gray but in that image they have bright green spots on them the contrast works well. The angles which the photo’s were taken also plays a huge part in how well the images work. I thought sharing this was a good idea because I’m sure some people have never seen images of tetrapods, or professional photography images of them.

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4 Responses to Photos: Tetrapod beaches of Japan

  1. Sandra Cheng says:

    Those are very impressive photographs, and making use of them to combat erosion is an ingenious idea. Of course, they remind me of Timothy O’Sullivan’s photos of Pyramid Lake, and even of modern ones of the tufa domes in California’s Mono Lake.

  2. asmith129 says:

    These pictures of the Tetrapods are interesting, the shapes are so defined and are very prominent when the backgrounds are sort of blurred out. I agree its isn’t like anything I’ve seen before and its really different, which is a good thing. The structure of the tetrapods are incredible and also is the fact that they are used to protect the land.

  3. marcicka says:

    Looking at those images I remember being a young girl and still in Poland. We have those too on Baltic Sea. 🙂
    I am going to post a link

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