a trip to the moon

Throughout the film one could see some practices of early photography. For instance the filmmaker created depth in the beginning seconds of the film by seating everyone at an angle where one could see the stairs, causing the view to look up. By creating a background landscape the filmmaker portrayed a sense of character as well as time period. By dressing up the actors with long robes, hats, and umbrellas for cans shows to me the wealth status, one of them even being a judge with a wig, which becomes relevant to the trip to the moon because it could not have been cheap in reality. Giving the moon a face and landing in its eye shows disrespect. These could all be similarities between photographic camera and film camera because if the film had still shots and not running the view could still receive a sense of character. The difference being that without action in a film camera the overall theme or moral may not be portrayed where as if action was shown through a photographic camera could come off cheesy.

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2 Responses to a trip to the moon

  1. vkim89 says:

    did i do this in the right place?

  2. Sandra Cheng says:

    Perfetto! and a thorough commentary too! thanks

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