Author Archives: Nancy


Jason de Caires Taylor 1

Hey everyone this is a fellow guest blogger Nancy Acevedo!


The underwater sculpture museum is something that is completely new to me. It’s fascinating how not only are they extremely beautiful, the sculptures are made out of ceo-frinedly material. At first I was a bit worried about that, having people create stuff and have them underwater where so many species live. I was thinking on the negative effect that this kind of art could potentially have. But after I found out that it “promotes coral reef growth”, I didn’t think it was so bad after all. Jason deCaire Taylor has truly created a phenomenon in my opinion; just imagine years from now, how interesting and amazing it will be for people to discover this exhibit.



Here is another video that shows more of the underwater art and how they look before they are put into the sea.





If any of you guys are interested in more art, check my typography blog SHOLES.

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