For Monday – a quick checklist

Postings for your use:

Current Assignment:

  • We will be looking at the bubble diagram and matrix during Class 9 Monday June 15th and looking at your blogs. The bubble diagrams and matrix should be in Miro and will be copied to your blog.
  • Create your own blog (email the web address to )and begin to upload the following: 
      1. Upload “About Me Board”
      2. Your Team Site Inventory
      3. Your Team Special Zoning District Study
      4. Your Team “What is a Community” Board
      5. Housing Precedent Studies
      6. Building over the Roadway Precedent Study
      7. Bubble Diagram and Matrix

Your blogs will be updated each day with the work you have been working on. It will become a :sketchpad” showing the process from Day 1 – presentation. The work on Miro will not be there forever, but here is a place to keep and document all your work. The above work should be posted by Monday June 15th- Day 9.

  • This weekend – gather “recycled” materials as we will be creating small abstract concept models during class on Monday. Do not try to purchase any materials. You can use glue, tape staples string, rubber bands to hold the materials together. (Or they can be stacked and placed) Gather a variety of materials – threads, toothpicks,  sticks, aluminum foil, stones, tissue, fabric, paper, cardboard (cereal boxes, packing – recycled), plastics, wrappers from things around your home) and a scissor or knife.
  • Finish Precedent Studies: DUE Monday 6/15 – We will finish Presentation 
    • (1) NYC Housing
    • (2) International
    • (1) Building over a Roadway
  • These should be informative – showing images, drawings, diagrams, context to better help us with our designing of housing. Pay attention to what program spaces these residential building have.
  • Special Zoning Rules (team- complete this first) DUE Wednesday 6/17

    • In Miro continue to develop your rules.  First identify a rule (for example sky exposure plane) then determine if you have one.  Consider treating the green park easement above the BQE as a street frontage – and it could then have a sky exposure plane.
    • If you decide not to include a rule (for example – no maximum building height) please include this in your rules as well.
    • ZONING ENVELOPE TO BE COMPLETED base on Special Zoning Rules
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