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In Class Zoning Sketches

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Saul Bernal Assignment 1


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Rules & Regulations – Anthony, Francisco, Raphael

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District Rules Defined

Wide streets for better transition

Bike route

Low driving speed limit

Green spaces

Protect scenic views

Accessible public transportation

Use LEED in new buildings

Mix use in the area

Parks for recreation

Security on the area 24/7

Provide parking on commercial buildings

Community center 

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Lists From In Class


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Downtown Brooklyn Zoning

Downtown Brooklyn Zoning

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Anthony Acevedo Assignment 1


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Assignment 1 Francisco, Raphael, Anthony Special West Chelsea District


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Current Assignments

  1. Post your presentations to OpenLab
  2. Read the article on Oscar Newman – Defensible Space See Readings
  3. Select a site in your special district and produce a zoning study (individual work)
  4. As a group – write up the start of your special district rules (post on openlab)
    1. Post freehand lists from in class –
    2. Post a second time – a more refined  listing
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