Groups are typically setup to help divide up the work when the tasks are too large for a single student to complete. As several group have had a difficult time coordinating schedules and working together I am giving each group the option to switch to individual work moving forward.
What this means:
Each team gets to choose as a group whether they wish to keep working together or not. If a team splits the entire team must work as individuals. If you choose to split your team and work as individuals, you must all share all files and research you have completed so far with all of your team mates. Moving forward there is no requirement that you continue to share.
Dividing up the group:
Inventory & Analysis: Each individual will be responsible for completing their own set of Inventory & Analysis Drawings. All Inventory and Analysis files and information any member of the team has created so far must be distributed to every member of the team.
Zoning: Each individual is already required to create their own zoning studies with citations. All research any member of the team has created so far must be distributed to every member of the team. If you work as individuals moving forward there is no requirement you must share any new research you conduct.
Building Analysis: Each individual will be responsible for completing their own building analysis moving forward. All building analysis information any member of the team has created so far must be distributed to every member of the team. Moving forward you are no longer required to share.
If you your team wishes to continue to work together then every member must continue to work as a group. This means the Inventory/Analysis and the Building Analysis will continue to be a group effort. Zoning work is at a point where each person is responsible for completing their own zoning studies with citations.
Deadline to Decide:
Each team must inform me of their decision one way or the other by the second class of this week.